Kristin and Steph tagged me! I am feeling the love....
The rules for this particular tagging are as follows: Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
Steph and Kristin (since I was tagged by both)
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to:
Erin K
Here are the questions.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was anticipating the birth of my first child and Working for my dad at his computer store.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Anticipating the birth of my 5th son and playing mommy and wife.
Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal)
Triscuits with whipped cream cheese
Tortilla chips (with or without salsa)
Crackers with Shrimp dip (Thanks Nat!)
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics
How about nearly anything country or a nursery rhyme... lol
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
Retire my parents and inlaws.
Buy houses for my family and my siblings.
Go shopping until I couldn't stand it anymore.
Donate to needy charities
Put money aside for each of my children to make it through college and be financially secure if need be in the future.
All of this could only happen if I got lucky enough to win the PowerBall though. That sucker is up there in money right now.
Five bad habits
Spending money.
Spending too much time on the computer
Major procrastinator!
Too hard on myself.
Forgetting everything.
Five things you like doing
Taking pictures.
Playing with my kids.
Spending time with my husband.
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again
Store brand or cheap toys. They just aren't worth it and don't last in this house.
Veggie burger from BK. Stupid me didn't realize it was a vegitarian burger... Ewww
Cinnamon Roll Cappucinno... Yuckkkk
I am sure that there is much more, but I can't think of anything else at the very moment.
Five favorite toys
Digital Rebel XT
Cell Phone
Scrapbook schtuff
IPod. I don't have one, but that will be my next toy.
First time you got kissed: How was it?
That is all it was, was a first kiss. I had a crush on this boy that was a year older than me. He was in High School and I was in Junior High. My friend and I walked from our neighborhood to his and hung out in front of his house. Before we walked back, he brought me to the side of the house and kissed me. I wish now that it had been with someone more special. But I will never forget 'ole Craig Burney now.
First time you drove a car: What kind of car?
My own car? A 90something geo prizm, red. This was in 1994 I believe.
First time you scrapbooked: When you look at your page do you love it?
The first time I scrapbooked was at my friend Natalie's house. You should see the pages we came up with. After that we went to a Creative Memories weekend thingy and learned all the basics to it! Those pages still weren't all that great though.
First time you went on a date:
Believe it or not, I never went on an actual real date until I got married.
First time you fell in love: How did you know?
I just knew.
First time you cooked for someone: Was it yummy? What did you make?
Oh wow.. I have cooked so many times since then, I don't recall, but I am sure it was absolutely delicious.
First time you got on a plane: Where did you go Were you scared?
The first time was probably when I was about 4 or maybe 5 and I believe we were coming to Oklahoma from Connecticut. By myself? would have been when I was 13 and my Uncle paid for me to stay in Rhode Island an extra week while my parents and siblings drove home. That was a big big thing for me. I thought I was pretty damn grown up. It wasn't too scarey though, there was an attendant that made sure I got where I needed to go. I felt pretty safe.
First time you shaved your legs: Did you cut yourself?
Wow, I don't even remember this, but I don't think that I cut. I don't usually cut when shaving!
First time you put on make up: Looking back how did you do? Did you look good or like a clown?
I wasn't allowed to look like a clown, it had to be pretty subtle. Now, getting older and experimenting with MORE makeup... Yup, probably clownish.
First time you moved out of your home: Was it an apartment, house, etc?
Townhouse with 2 roommates.
The rules for this particular tagging are as follows: Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
Steph and Kristin (since I was tagged by both)
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to:
Erin K
Here are the questions.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was anticipating the birth of my first child and Working for my dad at his computer store.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Anticipating the birth of my 5th son and playing mommy and wife.
Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal)
Triscuits with whipped cream cheese
Tortilla chips (with or without salsa)
Crackers with Shrimp dip (Thanks Nat!)
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics
How about nearly anything country or a nursery rhyme... lol
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
Retire my parents and inlaws.
Buy houses for my family and my siblings.
Go shopping until I couldn't stand it anymore.
Donate to needy charities
Put money aside for each of my children to make it through college and be financially secure if need be in the future.
All of this could only happen if I got lucky enough to win the PowerBall though. That sucker is up there in money right now.
Five bad habits
Spending money.
Spending too much time on the computer
Major procrastinator!
Too hard on myself.
Forgetting everything.
Five things you like doing
Taking pictures.
Playing with my kids.
Spending time with my husband.
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again
Store brand or cheap toys. They just aren't worth it and don't last in this house.
Veggie burger from BK. Stupid me didn't realize it was a vegitarian burger... Ewww
Cinnamon Roll Cappucinno... Yuckkkk
I am sure that there is much more, but I can't think of anything else at the very moment.
Five favorite toys
Digital Rebel XT
Cell Phone
Scrapbook schtuff
IPod. I don't have one, but that will be my next toy.
First time you got kissed: How was it?
That is all it was, was a first kiss. I had a crush on this boy that was a year older than me. He was in High School and I was in Junior High. My friend and I walked from our neighborhood to his and hung out in front of his house. Before we walked back, he brought me to the side of the house and kissed me. I wish now that it had been with someone more special. But I will never forget 'ole Craig Burney now.
First time you drove a car: What kind of car?
My own car? A 90something geo prizm, red. This was in 1994 I believe.
First time you scrapbooked: When you look at your page do you love it?
The first time I scrapbooked was at my friend Natalie's house. You should see the pages we came up with. After that we went to a Creative Memories weekend thingy and learned all the basics to it! Those pages still weren't all that great though.
First time you went on a date:
Believe it or not, I never went on an actual real date until I got married.
First time you fell in love: How did you know?
I just knew.
First time you cooked for someone: Was it yummy? What did you make?
Oh wow.. I have cooked so many times since then, I don't recall, but I am sure it was absolutely delicious.
First time you got on a plane: Where did you go Were you scared?
The first time was probably when I was about 4 or maybe 5 and I believe we were coming to Oklahoma from Connecticut. By myself? would have been when I was 13 and my Uncle paid for me to stay in Rhode Island an extra week while my parents and siblings drove home. That was a big big thing for me. I thought I was pretty damn grown up. It wasn't too scarey though, there was an attendant that made sure I got where I needed to go. I felt pretty safe.
First time you shaved your legs: Did you cut yourself?
Wow, I don't even remember this, but I don't think that I cut. I don't usually cut when shaving!
First time you put on make up: Looking back how did you do? Did you look good or like a clown?
I wasn't allowed to look like a clown, it had to be pretty subtle. Now, getting older and experimenting with MORE makeup... Yup, probably clownish.
First time you moved out of your home: Was it an apartment, house, etc?
Townhouse with 2 roommates.
At 9:33 AM PST,
Kristin said…
awesome!! :D :D :D i loved getting to read more about you.
At 8:03 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
These were so fun to read! I am hoping I can do this...some of these questions are tough!!!! Thanks for the tag...lol!
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