2005 recap!!
Well, I guess I can say that I stole this from both Kristin and Rachel's blogs. Thanks girls!!!
1. New Year's resolutions? Usually I would make the resolution to lose weight. Not this year, this year it was to be a good mom with 5 kids.
2. Who kissed you at midnight? My wonderful husband, Don!
3. Did it snow where you live? I am sure it did, but nothing to write about really!
4. Have you ever been to Times Square to see the ball drop? Nope and will be OK if I never go.
1. Who was your valentine? Once again, My wonderful husband, Don.
2. What did your valentine get you? This year I got a Teddy Bear and silver and sapphire earings and necklace. I always get jewelry! I have a good hubby!!!
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for the whole class? Most definitely! Valentines in school ranked right up there with Christmas. Mom always made Valentines super special too.
1. Are you Irish? YEP! Half I believe!
2. Did you wear green on St. Patrick's Day? Definitely! Didn't want to get pinched!
3. What did you do for St. Patrick's Day? We generally don't do anything for St. Patty's. I think I might have made Corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes.
1. Do you like the rain? I am not a huge fan, although we really need it here in Oklahoma.
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year? I doubt it. I usually don't. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face if I did.
3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter? No, but I bought a ton (well, ok, the easter bunny brought a ton)
1. What is your favorite kind of flower? I don't know! I love all flowers honestly.
2. Do you like the spring? Love the spring and yes, it does bring tornado season, but I am so used to that after all these years.
3. Finish the phrase "April showers brings . . . May Showers!! We don't get flowers, we get more rain.
4. What would you think of as a spring color? anything pastel
1. What year did you graduate from school? 1995
2. Did you go on any vacations in June? Nope, I had just had our 5th son, Jonathan Richard, on the 2nd of June.
1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Every 4th we go over to Don's Granddaddy Rouse's house for family, food, swimming, food and ... did I say food! This year we also went to Don's dad's house in Guthrie (country) and had purchased $400 worth of fireworks and had our own show.
2. Did you go on any vacations this month? nope!
1. Did you do anything special to end of your summer? Nope, Nothing!
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? We spent a lot of time at the lake on my parents new boat and my husbands buddy's jetski.
3. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer? No and trust me, i did everyone a favor. Nobody would have wanted to see me in a swimsuit.
4. Did you go to the beach a lot? Yeah, the beach at the lake. That is as close to beach that you will get in Oklahoma.
1. DId you attend school/college in '05? Online at Thompson Education Direct (hey, me too)
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Mr. Teachout. He was our band teacher in Jr. High. I just loved him. I even had a small crush on him. hehe
3. Did you like fall better than summer? I love every season, but as soon as a new one comes, I like it better than the last. I was ready for summer to be over and Fall to start.
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever? Wow, I don't know. I remember dressing up with a trash bag and being a punk rocker. I also remember mom dressing us in her skirts, makeup, and jewelry and being gypsies. So much fun!
2. What's your favorite candy? A snickers minus the chocolate
3. What did you dress up like this year? I didn't... I know.. I am a scrooge...
1. Whose house did you go to on Thanksgiving? Mom's, although we only used her house, I did the cooking.
2. Do you like stuffing? YUMMMMMMMMMMM!
3. What are you thankful for? I feel like I am so blessed to have all the things in my life. I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends, a roof over my head and so so so much more!
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes. Its one of my favorite holidays.
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? When I was a kid!
3. What did you want this year for Christmas? An EOS Digital Rebel XT! That I got and then some... My hubby loves me!
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas? I can't think of a best. I have always gotten such wonderul presents every year. I have a very generous and thoughtful family.
5. Do you like cold weather? YES!!! love it!
6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10? 6 and I only say that because I had a horrible time during my pregnancy. I cried every single day, fed my head with stuff, fought with my husband, couldn't stand my kids to be around me. It was terrible. I did finally talk to my doctor about it though and he put me on some medication that did wonders. Now I am fighting the depression of having gained weight from the meds.
1. New Year's resolutions? Usually I would make the resolution to lose weight. Not this year, this year it was to be a good mom with 5 kids.
2. Who kissed you at midnight? My wonderful husband, Don!
3. Did it snow where you live? I am sure it did, but nothing to write about really!
4. Have you ever been to Times Square to see the ball drop? Nope and will be OK if I never go.
1. Who was your valentine? Once again, My wonderful husband, Don.
2. What did your valentine get you? This year I got a Teddy Bear and silver and sapphire earings and necklace. I always get jewelry! I have a good hubby!!!
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for the whole class? Most definitely! Valentines in school ranked right up there with Christmas. Mom always made Valentines super special too.
1. Are you Irish? YEP! Half I believe!
2. Did you wear green on St. Patrick's Day? Definitely! Didn't want to get pinched!
3. What did you do for St. Patrick's Day? We generally don't do anything for St. Patty's. I think I might have made Corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes.
1. Do you like the rain? I am not a huge fan, although we really need it here in Oklahoma.
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year? I doubt it. I usually don't. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face if I did.
3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter? No, but I bought a ton (well, ok, the easter bunny brought a ton)
1. What is your favorite kind of flower? I don't know! I love all flowers honestly.
2. Do you like the spring? Love the spring and yes, it does bring tornado season, but I am so used to that after all these years.
3. Finish the phrase "April showers brings . . . May Showers!! We don't get flowers, we get more rain.
4. What would you think of as a spring color? anything pastel
1. What year did you graduate from school? 1995
2. Did you go on any vacations in June? Nope, I had just had our 5th son, Jonathan Richard, on the 2nd of June.
1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Every 4th we go over to Don's Granddaddy Rouse's house for family, food, swimming, food and ... did I say food! This year we also went to Don's dad's house in Guthrie (country) and had purchased $400 worth of fireworks and had our own show.
2. Did you go on any vacations this month? nope!
1. Did you do anything special to end of your summer? Nope, Nothing!
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? We spent a lot of time at the lake on my parents new boat and my husbands buddy's jetski.
3. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer? No and trust me, i did everyone a favor. Nobody would have wanted to see me in a swimsuit.
4. Did you go to the beach a lot? Yeah, the beach at the lake. That is as close to beach that you will get in Oklahoma.
1. DId you attend school/college in '05? Online at Thompson Education Direct (hey, me too)
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Mr. Teachout. He was our band teacher in Jr. High. I just loved him. I even had a small crush on him. hehe
3. Did you like fall better than summer? I love every season, but as soon as a new one comes, I like it better than the last. I was ready for summer to be over and Fall to start.
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever? Wow, I don't know. I remember dressing up with a trash bag and being a punk rocker. I also remember mom dressing us in her skirts, makeup, and jewelry and being gypsies. So much fun!
2. What's your favorite candy? A snickers minus the chocolate
3. What did you dress up like this year? I didn't... I know.. I am a scrooge...
1. Whose house did you go to on Thanksgiving? Mom's, although we only used her house, I did the cooking.
2. Do you like stuffing? YUMMMMMMMMMMM!
3. What are you thankful for? I feel like I am so blessed to have all the things in my life. I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends, a roof over my head and so so so much more!
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes. Its one of my favorite holidays.
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? When I was a kid!
3. What did you want this year for Christmas? An EOS Digital Rebel XT! That I got and then some... My hubby loves me!
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas? I can't think of a best. I have always gotten such wonderul presents every year. I have a very generous and thoughtful family.
5. Do you like cold weather? YES!!! love it!
6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10? 6 and I only say that because I had a horrible time during my pregnancy. I cried every single day, fed my head with stuff, fought with my husband, couldn't stand my kids to be around me. It was terrible. I did finally talk to my doctor about it though and he put me on some medication that did wonders. Now I am fighting the depression of having gained weight from the meds.
At 10:36 PM PST,
Kristin said…
awesome!!! :D
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