Oh the frustration
So where were we? We went back to the hospital Tuesday morning for the ultrasound. They said everything was fine, baby was about 6 weeks, 3 days IIRC. Some bleeding around the baby, so they diagnosed her with "Threatened Miscarriage". This is kind of a catch-all term as I understand it because of the bleeding that was present. She may or may not have problems. If anyone says "I hope it is a "$%*@" and jinxes us...well, you can run but you will only die tired.
She is still in terrible pain. Drugged up pretty good, but still feeling it. Insurance should kick in any day now and we can get her into her OB-GYN. Everyone we talk to thinks gall bladder, so I guess we have another ultrasound coming up. Why University didn't do it the first time I don't know. For those of you calling to talk to her, please don't be mad. She isn't answering calls. Mainly because of the pain, but partly because she can't be sure of what she will say due to the drugs. Would be terrible is she asked a bill collector if he wanted to make love eh?
I am trying to do as much as I can. Very tough right now because traded like crazy to be covered through Tuesday. Then yesterday a new account practically landed in my lap. So more trading was done, and now I am pretty much back to workin non-stop. Sleep is non-exsistent, but my wife is a sleep-Nazi anyways, so no big deal. The double shifts are going to go on for the next couple of weeks and then things should smooth out. I just hope we get Tina figured out.
Well, I am off to finish up with the kids before taking them to school and heading back into work.
More to come...
P.S. To hell with using spell check, and my errors are due to lack-o-sleep.
She is still in terrible pain. Drugged up pretty good, but still feeling it. Insurance should kick in any day now and we can get her into her OB-GYN. Everyone we talk to thinks gall bladder, so I guess we have another ultrasound coming up. Why University didn't do it the first time I don't know. For those of you calling to talk to her, please don't be mad. She isn't answering calls. Mainly because of the pain, but partly because she can't be sure of what she will say due to the drugs. Would be terrible is she asked a bill collector if he wanted to make love eh?
I am trying to do as much as I can. Very tough right now because traded like crazy to be covered through Tuesday. Then yesterday a new account practically landed in my lap. So more trading was done, and now I am pretty much back to workin non-stop. Sleep is non-exsistent, but my wife is a sleep-Nazi anyways, so no big deal. The double shifts are going to go on for the next couple of weeks and then things should smooth out. I just hope we get Tina figured out.
Well, I am off to finish up with the kids before taking them to school and heading back into work.
More to come...
P.S. To hell with using spell check, and my errors are due to lack-o-sleep.
At 6:59 PM PST,
Kristin said…
so glad she's home - i'll keep praying that she and baby stay well!!! give her hugs from me!
At 7:35 PM PST,
Unknown said…
you're all in my thoughts and prayers as well, if I could run some errands for you - just call or email! once it's not icy, I'd be glad to get what ya need for ya! love ya'll - God bless
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